South and South East Berkshire
Districts DofE unit
Meet at 1st Easthampstead
Mondays 7.45 - 9.30pm
The Award
The DofE Award is available at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. Each level involves volunteering, skills, physical recreation and an expedition. In addition the Gold Award involves a residential project.
Bronze Award – minimum age on entry: 14; minimum age for completion: 14.5. This requires components such as volunteering which involves at least three months volunteering, eg: helping with a Beaver Colony or Cub Pack.
Silver Award – minimum age on entry: 15; minimum age for completion 16 (15.5 if a Bronze award holder). This requires at least six months volunteering.
Gold Award – minimum age on entry: 16; minimum age for completion 17.5 (17 if a Silver award holder). This requires at least 12 months volunteering and a residential project.
The Benefits of a DofE Award
The benefits of achieving a DofE Award at any level are endless. Growing in confidence by doing new things, develop useful skills, meeting new people who could inspire and create lasting friendships, and of course - have fun! Also, the DofE Award can give an edge to a college, university or job application.
Within Scouting, each Award level also contributes to the Chief Scout Awards: Bronze will contribute to Chief Scout Platinum, Silver contributes to Chief Scout Diamond, and Gold contributes to the Queen's Scout Award. All that is left to do is complete the additional activities from the International, Community, and Values (ICV) list and the Chief Scout Award is also completed.
Our DofE unit
We are a joint District unit for South and South East Berks Districts Scouts and run the Bronze and Silver DofE Awards on Monday evenings. We can advise and be a guide for the Gold Award.
Useful information
Click on the links below to access the documents:
Registration form
Kit list
Chief Scout Platinum ICV list
Chief Scout Diamond ICV list
Queen's Scout Award ICV list