A Young Leaders’ Badge and woggle should be awarded after completing Module A.
This badge signifies that a Young Leader has completed their basic training.
A mission strip should be presented after completing each mission, these are placed around the module A badge
A Young Leader belt buckle should be awarded on completion of the entire scheme (completion of ALL training modules and missions).
The Young Leader Service Award can be worn on the adult uniform to recognise a person’s completion of the Young Leaders’ Scheme.
The Young Leader certificate should be presented when the Young Leader either turns 18 or completes the whole scheme. The back of the certificate can be used to record which modules and missions the Young Leader has completed.
Berkshire Young Leaders' Logbook
The complete guide to being a Young Leader, this logbook for young people explains what to expect during training and in the role itself. As well as tips from other Young Leaders, it outlines the opportunities, skills and rewards for taking part in the scheme. You will be be given a logbook on attendance of Module A training and all modules and missions can be signed off within.
Pocket size
28 pages full colour
Everything in one place
Young Leader training weekends
South & South East Berkshire Young Leaders hold three training weekends throughout the year to cover all 11 Young Leader training modules. Module A is mandatory for all new Young Leaders and DofE volunteers and covers their basic training inclduding Safeguarding. The additional modules will teach you many skills, techniques to assist you as a Young Leader from leadership skills, diversity and inclusion, programme planning and lots of games and activities!
To see which events are coming up check out the What's On page. The dates may change but typically we will cover:
Jan-Feb: Module A and Modules D, E, F, G, H
Jun-Jul: Module A and Modules B, C, I, J
Oct-Nov: Module A and Module K (First Aid)
Completing the Young Leader belt award
Once you have completed the training modules the rest is over to you. Show us you have learnet the essential skills to become a Young Leaader by completing the 4 missions with your own groups. These cover running games and activities, attending programme planning and running a complete evening or event.
Once you have completed your missions you will need to show evidence it has been completed to you YL leaders at any of our training weekends or via email. Here are some hint's and tips on how to get your modules signed off.
Write a description of the game/activity - we don't all know games by the same name!
Write a review of the game/activity - what went well? what would you change next time? did the young people enjoy it?
Take photos or videos! - this is the best way for us to see you in action, even if you don't want to be in the photo show us the result did you make, a super craft or cook a fancy dish?
Ask one of your group leaders to write a review - feedback if a great way to learn, make sure you get the leaders to join in too.
Documentation - it might seem daunting but write it down, send us you term or evening programme in a spreadsheet, did you think about badges and risk assessments?
Have fun! - we can tell when you enjoy your role as a Young Leader and hope to hear all about the stories activities, games and events that you will be running soon.